The FooterColumns component renders a list of columns to display in your Footer.
Use it in the top
slot of the Footer component:
<template #top>
<UFooterColumns />
Use the columns
prop as an array of objects with the following properties:
label: string
children?: { label: string, icon?: string }[]
You can pass any property from the Link component such as to
, target
, etc.
<script setup lang="ts">
const columns = [
label: 'Community',
children: [
label: 'Nuxters',
to: '',
target: '_blank'
label: 'Video Courses',
to: '',
target: '_blank'
label: 'Nuxt on GitHub',
to: '',
target: '_blank'
label: 'Solutions',
children: [
label: 'Nuxt Content',
to: '',
target: '_blank'
label: 'Nuxt DevTools',
to: '',
target: '_blank'
label: 'Nuxt Image',
to: '',
target: '_blank'
label: 'Nuxt UI',
to: '',
target: '_blank'
<UFooterColumns :columns="columns">
<template #right>
<UFormField name="email" label="Subscribe to our newsletter" size="lg">
<UInput type="email" class="w-full">
<template #trailing>
<UButton type="submit" size="xs" color="neutral" label="Subscribe" />
Prop | Default | Type |
as |
The element or component this component should render as. |
columns |
| |
ui |
Slot | Type |
left |
default |
right |
link |
link-leading |
link-label |
link-trailing |
export default defineAppConfig({
uiPro: {
footerColumns: {
slots: {
root: 'xl:grid xl:grid-cols-3 xl:gap-8',
left: 'mb-10 xl:mb-0',
center: 'flex flex-col lg:grid grid-flow-col auto-cols-fr gap-8 xl:col-span-2',
right: 'mt-10 xl:mt-0',
label: 'text-sm font-semibold',
list: 'mt-6 space-y-4',
item: 'relative',
link: 'group text-sm flex items-center gap-1.5 focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary)',
linkLeadingIcon: 'size-5 shrink-0',
linkLabel: 'truncate',
linkLabelExternalIcon: 'size-3 absolute top-0 text-(--ui-text-dimmed)'
variants: {
active: {
true: {
link: 'text-(--ui-primary) font-medium'
false: {
link: [
'text-(--ui-text-muted) hover:text-(--ui-text)',
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import ui from '@nuxt/ui/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
uiPro: {
footerColumns: {
slots: {
root: 'xl:grid xl:grid-cols-3 xl:gap-8',
left: 'mb-10 xl:mb-0',
center: 'flex flex-col lg:grid grid-flow-col auto-cols-fr gap-8 xl:col-span-2',
right: 'mt-10 xl:mt-0',
label: 'text-sm font-semibold',
list: 'mt-6 space-y-4',
item: 'relative',
link: 'group text-sm flex items-center gap-1.5 focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary)',
linkLeadingIcon: 'size-5 shrink-0',
linkLabel: 'truncate',
linkLabelExternalIcon: 'size-3 absolute top-0 text-(--ui-text-dimmed)'
variants: {
active: {
true: {
link: 'text-(--ui-primary) font-medium'
false: {
link: [
'text-(--ui-text-muted) hover:text-(--ui-text)',
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import uiPro from '@nuxt/ui-pro/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
uiPro: {
footerColumns: {
slots: {
root: 'xl:grid xl:grid-cols-3 xl:gap-8',
left: 'mb-10 xl:mb-0',
center: 'flex flex-col lg:grid grid-flow-col auto-cols-fr gap-8 xl:col-span-2',
right: 'mt-10 xl:mt-0',
label: 'text-sm font-semibold',
list: 'mt-6 space-y-4',
item: 'relative',
link: 'group text-sm flex items-center gap-1.5 focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary)',
linkLeadingIcon: 'size-5 shrink-0',
linkLabel: 'truncate',
linkLabelExternalIcon: 'size-3 absolute top-0 text-(--ui-text-dimmed)'
variants: {
active: {
true: {
link: 'text-(--ui-primary) font-medium'
false: {
link: [
'text-(--ui-text-muted) hover:text-(--ui-text)',